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 Conductive Silicone & Electrodes - OUR SPECIALTY  

4 - Double 8mm Hole Spring Loaded Cord Locks

Regular price $4.95 


THE STRANGLER-1/4" Conductive Silicone Loop

Regular price: $12.95  Special price $7.95


Chamfered Conductive Tube - One Foot Pieces

What size do you want?

Regular price $7.95 

Conductive Silicone Sheeting

Specify the Material Size:

Regular price $8.00 


TENS Pads Package of 4 - 2" x 2", 1.5" x 1.5" and 2" x 4"

What size do you want?
Buy one package, get the second for 1/2 price:

Regular price $8.95 


Parallel Bi-Polar Electrode

Choose the Tubing Size:

Regular price: $10.95  Special price $8.95

Choker Jr. with Spring Clip Hold-Down

Choose 4x2 tube or solid cord below:

Regular price: $10.95  Special price $9.95


SALE!! 33% off of ourFlat Conductive Silicone - 3/4" wide Strip

Regular price: $15.95  Special price $10.95


Bi-Polar Choker, Jr

Regular price: $19.50  Special price $12.50

Choker with Double-Hole Cord Lock

Regular price $12.50 


Choker - Bi-Polar

Regular price: $15.95  Special price $12.95


Strangler with Double-Hole Cord Lock

Regular price: $13.95  Special price $12.95

2" Wide Conductive Silicone Strip

Regular price $13.00 


Big Choker -

Regular price $13.95 


SPECIAL - Sample Conductive Silicone Package


Regular price $17.95 

Bi-Polar Strangler - 6x2mm Conductive Loop

Regular price: $24.95  Special price $19.95


4x2mm Tubing with Slightly Oversized 2mm ID

Regular price: $30.00  Special price $19.95


The Chokers - TWO For $22.00

Regular price $22.00 

4 Ft. of 4 mm Conductive Solid Round Cord & 4 Free Cord Clips

Regular price $23.95 


A yard of 4x1.7 mm Conductive Tubing & 2 Free Cord Lock Clips

Regular price: $29.95  Special price $24.95


Electro Silicone for Venus 2000

Regular price: $34.95  Special price $24.95

Conductive Silicone Strap 1" x 10" with D-Rings

Please Specify Connection Choice:

Regular price $24.95 


Choker & Strangler with Cord Locks

Regular price $24.95 


1-7/16" Diameter Thin Wall Conductive Tubing

What Length Do You Want?

Regular price: $34.95  Special price $24.95

12x8mm Conductive Silicone Tubing

Regular price $24.95 


Thin-Walled Conductive Tubing - Now in 4 Sizes

What Diameter Do You Want?

Regular price $25.00 


1.75" Thick Wall V2000 Conductive Liner

What Length of 1-3/4" Diameter Do You Want?

Regular price: $28.95  Special price $25.95

2.25" Diameter Conductive Silicone Tubing 6" & 12" Lengths

I Want a Six Inch Piece.
I Want a Foot of this Product:

Regular price $26.95 


4mm Cord or 4x2mm Tube (36") with 4 Cord Locks

Your Choice of 4mm Product:

Regular price: $34.95  Special price $29.95


2 Foot of 6x2mm Conductive Tubing and 2 Cord Locks

Regular price $29.95 

Limited Quantity of 4x3mm Conductive Tubing by the Yard

Regular price $30.00 


5x2mm Conductive Silicone Tubing

Regular price $35.00 


6x2 mm (1/4" x 1/8") Conductive Tubing with 2 Cord Locks

Regular price: $39.95  Special price $35.95

PleasurePack and add an extra loop

Choose Your 4th Conductive Loop:

Regular price $35.95 


2" Wide Strip with TENS pin hole

Regular price $36.00 


6x2mm and 4mm or 4x2mm Tube DIY package with 4 cord locks

Choose Solid Cord or Tubing:

Regular price: $47.95  Special price $36.95

Pleasure Pack - 3 Cond Loops w/ Cord Locks

What Do You Want to Do ?

Regular price $37.95 


6x4 mm (1/4" x 3/16") Conductive Silicone Tubing

Regular price $39.95 


8x4 mm (5/16" x 3/16") Conductive Silicone Tubing

Regular price: $44.95  Special price $41.95

10x6 mm (3/8" x 1/4") Conductive Silicone Tubing

Regular price: $55.00  Special price $49.95


12x8mm Conductive Silicone Tubing

Regular price: $65.00  Special price $59.95

Concerned with placing your order online?  Call or Fax in your order.  Simply call 618-343-4344. If you wish to fax your order to us, please send all pertinent details including your credit card information and a copy of your order.  Thank you.