Need extra cord locks for your 6x2mm tubing? These locks are handy items to have around in case you need to secure a piece of tubing around the balls or cock shaft. These locks will also work with our smaller diameter tubing (4mm), but are quite large.
PLEASE NOTE: The 6x2mm conductive silicone tubing we use for conductive loops that is sold by the yard, is actually made as 5.5mm x 1.7mm and fits these cord locks nicely. We have not found any manufacturers who make a true 6mm diameter hole in their cord locks. However, Our 6x4mm conductive tubing is a true 6mm OD and 4mm ID and will fit into these cord locks.
Make your own affordable parallel bi-polar electrodes by running 2 pieces of tubing through each cord lock, one on top and one on the bottom of each lock. Simply plug a TENS pin into each tube. Now you have a bi-polar electrode!!
The shopping cart will show 1, but you will receive a set of four cordlocks.