DG-Lab PawPrints Sensor Remote Control Module
Introducing the new sensor remote control pawprint modules from DG-Labs. NOTE: You must have a DG-Labs Coyote Power Box in order to use the Pawprints. Pawpints are specifically designed for e-stim play while
using them on a partner that is confined in any number of ways to receive specific amounts of current with a vast amount
of settings. These modules will allow the user to control a variety of e-stim sensations if the partner moves and has a number
of movement degree settings. These settings will trigger a specified e-stim routine pre-programmed by the user in advance
of play session. There are so many variables that we cannot fully describe them here. A gentleman took the time
to go through all of the Pawprint functions on a YouTube video and we thank him for his time and knowledge on this subject. You can view the video and learn all
about their amazing functions. Copy and paste the following URL to your web browser to view the video. https://rumble.com/v53956d-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-dg-lab-pawprints-and-app.html.
Item #PawPrints